Saturday, 3 March 2012

redo the circuit...=((

eventually, after designing the didn't work out well due to wrong was a disaster when the circuit i designed did not worked properly...i didn't know what to do, whether to troubleshoot the circuit or redo again. It was difficult to identify where was the mistake, and time was running fast. Then, I figure out on to do the circuit again and that time, I had no choice but to redo the circuit but this time...I am using the strip board to complete my project. Well, it is a lot difficult rather than etching, due to designing a project by using the strip board needs high concentration to connect the jumper wires for each components. I took time to construct the circuit. These are the pictures that uses the strip board. 

This is the picture roughly on the design on the circuit. It is a bit complicated, but that also teaches me on how to solder it. It also requires good soldering to make sure that the component doesn't come out. 

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